Hello all! I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and I wish you all a happy new year! Mark and me and Baby Andre the Pygmy hedgehog all packed our bags and went home to Scunthorpe for five days to join in with family celebrations there. We found out that my Nana has terminal cancer last month and I really treasured the time that I got to spend with her and the rest of my family. It meant so much!
We came home on Tuesday as I had to be back at work on Wednesday and half a day on new years eve (not much rest for the wicked). We have had plenty of time though to spend with our new little friend... Here is Andre looking a little bit guilty after escaping out of his play pen.

Today I made my first roast dinner with a little help from my Jamie Oliver cook book. it turned out pretty good, and 3 hours later Mark is still raving about it so I must have done something right!

Some exciting news... my new website has been designed and is now under construction so hopefully not too much longer to wait! I can't wait to show you all! Here are a couple of new additions that I popped into my Etsy and Folksy Shops today.
Who are you Vintage Style Alice in Wonderland necklace SOLD
Carousel Horse Vintage inspired necklace £14
As always for more information on purchasing my jewellery please
click here