Don't you just love animals? Even when everything is getting to you and you feel hopeless they are always there to give you that reassuring look that just says "hey I love you all you have to do is feed me and treat me nice". This is the reason why I was so worried when my dog Sasha was feeling under the weather lately. She is actually my parents dog but she'd been around for 13 years now and I love her to bits, and as I still live at home I spend a lot of time with her. Every time I come home from work she's there welcoming me with a wagging tale and a big doggy cuddle. So when she barely had the energy to look at me never mind get out of her basket I felt more than concerned. She was also bringing up blood (and from the other end) and my immediate thought was that she had something terrible like cancer.
My parents took the poor little mite to the vets (much to the distress of our 5 year old dog Billy who also idolises Sasha) and after prodding, poking and blood tests were told that she seems to have some kind of infection and a stomach ulcer. She's eating special food and lots of drugs (Kate Moss eat your heart out) and thank goodness she is looking so much better. I just hope she carries on perking up. I couldn't bare the thought of not seeing this furry little face when I come home from a hard day at the office!
More jewellery in the pipe lines! I have so many ideas right now that I just don't know where to start! It's just a shame that I don't have as much time as I do ideas.... I'd be well away if I did!